Community Resources

Who should I contact if I am thinking about adoption?

Adoption Associates 


Bethany Christian Services

Who can I call for help if I am a victim of domestic violence or assault?

Click here for a complete list of resources.

You can always call 2-1-1 to get connected to local resources.


Where can I get gently used and/or inexpensive maternity clothes and/or baby clothes?

A couple of options include the Charitable Union and Goodwill. You can always call 2-1-1 to get connected to local resources.


Where can I get help with understanding health insurance options available to me through the Health Insurance Marketplace (new with the Affordable Care Act)?

There are several organizations that have experts available to answer your questions and provide you with assistance in determining eligibility, looking at options, and enrolling in coverage. Click here for a complete list.


What clothing and diaper resources are available in Albion?

Albion Interfaith Ministries
118 W Porter St, Albion

Hours:  Mon & Weds 10am–4pm, Fri 9am–1pm

  • Provides help with gently used clothing and infant items
  • Offers food assistance
  • Diapers and Pull-Ups are available


Who do I call to get assistance with food and/or baby formula?

Call 2-1-1 to discuss the options best for you.


The Calhoun County Public Health Department (CCPHD) Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program is a supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children. WIC services in Calhoun County are provided in Battle Creek, Albion, and Marshall.  To find out more about WIC, click here.



Community Partners